There are a lot of things about being a creator that I enjoy, but by far, my favorite part is when I get to use my creativity to support and collaborate with other creatives. This past weekend, I got to do exactly that for 48 hours at my first New York Fashion Week.
First, if you’ve ever been to New York City, you know that it’s always moving pretty fast. If you crank up that normal already fast speed about five notches, you have how fast things move during Fashion Week. There is so much energy in the city, everyone is scrambling to shows, afterparties and exhibitions, changing in the backs of their Ubers and drinking Ralph’s coffee like it’s water. Personally, I opted for Dunkin Donuts because their munchkins (donut holes) kept me just sugar high enough to keep up the pace.
I was so happy to be invited to a few shows but since I couldn’t get to NYC until Friday morning and had to leave Saturday night because of other meetings in LA, I ended up at two really amazing events. I was so grateful to be invited and dressed by Rebecca Minkoff, a New York based brand founded by Rebecca and her brother Uri. I love a brother-sister creative duo (ily, Jacob), but they really brought it with the I Love New York Collection. It was innovative in the traditional sense of being fresh, exciting, and visually interesting, and what I really loved about the experience was that it was the first of its kind — as the brand was one of two designers to partner with Yahoo! to launch fashion experiences using everyone’s favorite resource, the internet. The show offered NFTs for sale, with all the proceeds going to support a grant for women-owned businesses in New York that were affected by the pandemic (women supporting women<3).
Aside from this being an amazing and worthy cause to support, it gave me hope. Sometimes I feel like the internet is used to its worst potential. The way people have become comfortable talking online about and to other people as if they aren’t human is a real pitfall of our generation. The way Rebecca and Yahoo! came together to create something online that benefited women made me remember why I started sharing online in the first place; because it allows us to connect with people and have experiences that enrich our lives and theirs.