I had the best time over the holidays with my friends and family watching movies, taking things slow, eating yummy food, and being fully present with the people I love most.
But after they were over, I had to get back into a routine. And it was hard. I felt so sluggish and low energy, but knew I had to kick it into gear before running my first half marathon and jumping into all of the exciting things I’ve planned for Sienna Swim in 2023.
I’ve been really nailing down my morning routine these last few weeks and have been seeing some comments and DMs asking for my routine, so I figured in this last week of January I’d share what has stuck and worked for me these past few weeks, just in case it helps those of you who are struggling with getting back into the swing of things too.
I have my phone set to stay on do-not-disturb through the night and into the morning until I manually turn it off. I prefer it this way because then I’m not bombarded with notifications as soon as I wake up. To be honest, this change wasn’t easy for me at all. I was so used to waking up to notifications and texts that it felt strange to have quiet instead. But now that I’m in this habit, I won’t ever go back.
As soon as I wake up in the morning, the very first thing I do is check in with God and say THANK YOU for everything I have. The breath in my lungs, the love in my life, and all the ways I have been blessed. I like starting my day with gratitude and silence because I feel like it really centers me and immediately gets me into a positive mindset.
After I’ve done my prayer and checked the time, I immediately get up, grab my happy, fat cat and go lay with her in the sun. This step in my routine may sound funny but it combines two of my favorite forms of comfort; animals and outdoor time. I feel like starting my day in the sun, with a purring cat beside me is the optimal way to boost my mood.
After I’ve sunbathed with my adorable cat for a few minutes, I head back inside and check my phone. I catch up on emails, texts from my team and friends, see what I have to get done work wise, and take a brief look at social media.

Depending on how early I’m starting my work day, I either get ready for a run or get ready for work meetings. If I have a morning meeting, I’ll usually push my run to the afternoon. If I don’t, I like to get it done first thing. When I have morning meetings, my favorite thing to do is slick my hair into a bun, throw on my Supergroup sunscreen (link to in amazon storefront), and do some light makeup for video meetings.
After I’ve made my cup of coffee, I start working on my tasks for the day. This can be anything from sound promos, to Sienna Swim design and strategy meetings, blog writing, creative branding meetings, fittings, interviews, or making videos for TikTok and reels. I like to work everyday for at least a few hours straight, totally interrupted before I post to social media. I like using my post time as a benchmark goal to accomplish things before then, before I unplug for my lunch break.

I really feel like this routine has lent itself to my mental health by making me feel productive without burning me out, giving me time to myself, and taking care of my physical body. I hope that whatever your current schedule looks like, you’re prioritizing your health, dreams, and most of all, your peace. If you haven’t gotten back into the swing of things yet, start small! Try to form a habit each day that will help you in some area of your life – be it in work, socially, or for your health. Baby steps, we’ve got this! <3